Gorilla Head Statue

Silent animal sculpture language

gorilla head statue

This is a gorilla head statue. In the animal world, the simple appearance details of animals and the body language of animals are silently telling its unique language. These unique languages are displayed by artists in the form of sculpture. They may be a facial expression of an animal, some simple sculpture details, a simple outline… These wonderful shapes not only let people see its unique shape at a glance, but also contain unexpected profound meanings.

In the hands of the artist, these details also integrate the feelings of friendly coexistence between animals and humans. Perhaps it is to mold a simple form of sculpture, which is convenient to reduce the form and put it in the indoor environment. Perhaps it is to tell the hunters the value of animals and condemn them. In a word, the animal sculpture language will gather the language of artists, tell the readers in the form of sculpture, and feel the cultural power of sculpture.

gorilla head statue

This is a gorilla bust sculpture with the facial expression of an gorilla. Gorilla itself is very close to human beings. In its sculptures, it often expresses its strong momentum with its unique appearance. Our facial sculpture of orangutan expresses our love for it by depicting the details of its facial expression. The deep and melancholy expression expresses the rich emotions of the orangutan.

Details of gorilla head statue

gorilla head statue

This is a very vivid gorilla head statue. The lower jaw bone is more prominent than the cheekbones, the tight lips curved upward, the large nostrils form a sharp contrast with its deep eyes, and the prominent details of the eyebrows shape the whole facial expression vividly. It seems that we can see the strong muscles, strong body and powerful image behind its face.

This gorilla head statue is made by our Arturban sculpture foundry by using the wax loss method. The details of the sculpture are perfectly showing. The unique and novel creative techniques show the wild sculpture style, and they look very real. Our orangutan sculpture, as if facing any artistic effect, will make it wild and full of vitality. Only the details of the facial expression make us full of imagination, its body, muscles, and powerful details. And extract more life, vitality, power and authenticity from the subtle expression of its face, which is an artistic color in the pursuit of imperfect sculpture. This sculpture will be a very attractive sculpture as an outdoor or indoor place.

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